Michelle's Pillow Talk
Author Michelle M Pillow's take on important events. *cough* Yeah, that's it.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Interview - Psychic Investigator

What is it you do?
I am the Psychic Investigator / trance medium for the New England Ghost Project.
What is the The New England Ghost Project and how are you involved?
The N.E.G.P. is comprised of a group of individuals who volunteer their time to verify the existence of paranormal activity. Or, more importantly, assist those in need of a resolution to repetitive paranormal occurrences.
Group members:
Ron Kolek (Founder of the N.E.G.P.) - Handles the Electro Magnetic Field Monitor (EMF). A sudden change / appearance in the EMF where there once was none is generally a sign that paranormal activity is occurring.
Leo Monfet - Our ace photographer, captures paranormal activity on film.
Karen Mossey - EVP specialist, uses her digital recorder to capture voices of the dead. These voices are comprised of energy of the deceased manipulating the white noise of a recorder to leave messages from beyond. Karen's recordings have been heard in the movie "White Noise" and most recently during last years, fall episode of "Ghost Whisperer."
Ron Jr. - Runs the video and base camp. Base camp is where our investigation is monitored: temperature gages, infrared satellite recordings etc. that are reported to the group through a walkie talkie.
Myself - I assist the group by sensing the environment and locating spiritual activity (better known as bait). Once we encounter an entity we attempt to communicate. This happens through a series of ways: spiritual dowsing, medium ship or trance medium ship abilities. I listen to what they have to say and depending on the situation and energy we are encountering, I make the conscious decision to allow them to speak through me. It's my belief that allowing an entity to channel through me, I give them the opportunity to release / change their vibration. Similar to a living person having a bad day, once they vent their frustrations they begin to feel better, lighter even.
At what age/point in your life did you become aware of your gifts/abilities?
When I was three I had a near death experience., meningitis. I hovered above my body and looked on as a doctor placed a large needle in my back and listened with curiosity as a priest administered last rites. I then floated out the double doors of the operating room and found my mother and father in tears. I remember the overwhelming need to hug them. Suddenly I felt myself sucked back into my body and was instantly jolted by the magnitude of pain shooting up my spine as I returned.
Was a there an influential event in your life that lead you to do what you do now— professional psychic medium?
I guess it's because of my desire to help. I know it sounds corny. . . but it's true. When I was young I would hear whisperings of my relatives talking to my mother. I was evil, a freak etc. My mother never listened to them. Rather, she gave me holy water and told me there was nothing wrong with me. That I was normal! (It had been in the family for years)
I've seen the deceased ever since I could remember. However, I remember when I was about twelve years of age and began having prophetic visions. They occurred while having momentary blackouts during the day and during the evening while I slept I began to see horrible events taking place. One such event prompted my mother to call a midwest town's task force. A young child had gone missing. I had seen the boy in my dreams for weeks. After calling and reporting the details they demanded I come down for questioning. Long story short the boy was never found. Even before we made the phone call I knew the boy would never be found. That he'd been killed and I would not see him again. It was then I prayed to God that if this was evil to take it away, and if it wasn't and I was meant to do something with it, then I would do the best I could. Well, suffice it to say, it only got stronger. And, here I am working with the N.E.G.P.

Can you share a little bit about your most unique paranormal experiences?
There are so many of them it's hard to choose.
I can tell you there is a haunted mansion in the Berkshires that has given be both unbelievable joy and horror!
The Haunted Houghton Mansion in North Adams Ma.
History has it that three deaths within a period of a week or so took place. The Houghton's chauffeur, John Widder, was driving the family car when he hit a soft shoulder and the vehicle rolled. The accident killed Mary, one of the Houghton daughters. The following day, Widder brought a gun to one of the buildings behind Houghton Mansion and committed suicide. Albert Houghton himself died only seven days later, apparently succumbing to grief.
It is my personal belief that Mary, and John Widder loved each other greatly. During one of our visits to the mansion, and with the help of everyone present we were able to reunite Mary and John in the afterlife. At the time this took place I was channeling Mary and could see John coming up over what looked like a bridge, arms stretched out wide he reached for me. Within moments the energy was so loving, so overwhelming beautiful it felt like like a magnet of love had just snapped together within me. To all present it literally felt like a wedding had just taken place. We knew in our hearts that something wonderful had transpired.
Unfortunately, Mr. Houghton, (Mary's deceased father) was furious. I began to feel his anger. We left the mansion only to return another day and face his wrath. Mary came to me again. Only this time she channeled for a moment and tried to worn us. She wanted us to leave quickly. Within seconds, and the only way I can describe the feeling is that of the metaphor of taking a tiger by the tail. Psychically open while I channeled Mary, Mr. Houghton jumped inside me and pushed her out. I then began to spout curses, screaming and gurgling sounds came out of me. (or so I've been told) It took four people to pull me free from the chair and break his hold over me. I spent the next ten minutes or so on the floor unconscious. (Ron was horrified! He didn't know what to do? It's not as if he could call 911 and tell him I had a spirit in me!)
With the help of some friends who gave me energy I made it back. While I was on the floor I remember hearing everyone around me, from a distance. All I could see was complete darkness. Through it all I knew I would be okay. We had done a good thing helping Mary and John and Mr. Houghton would have to deal with it.
I prayed, asked for strength and guidance and struggled through what felt like sludge and pulled my energetic form back into my body. I was back! Unfortunately I spent the next week or so wearing crystals around my heart to repair the whole in my auric field and around my heart chakra. If I hadn't known better I would have sworn I was having a heart attack. (Mr. Houghton, through his anger did try to hurt me. Attempting to steal my life force. (heart energy). Well, I'm still here today and have since visited the mansion and made some peace with Mr. Houghton! Mary and John, from what I can tell are still present at the mansion for fear of losing each other again!!!

What do you have to say to non-believers? Why do you think not everyone can communicate with the dead?
There's an anonymous saying:
For those who believe no further information is necessary
For those who don't, none will suffice.
Let's just say that I am not out to convince the world of paranormal existence. I know the truth, as do others that have experienced paranormal activity.
As far as everyone speaking or, not speaking with the dead: We all have some level of psychic ability. It depends upon ones willingness, intent, believability, fortitude and above all, ones ability to trust in the process. Also, if a person is afraid of facing their own mortality it can hinder them in communicating with what lies beyond this physical plane.
What thoughts do you have on Hollywood’s portrayal of psychics/sensitive?
I enjoy watching both the "Medium" and "Ghost Whisperer". Although it's Hollywood, each has their good points.
The Medium - I can relate to Alison's family environment. The difficulties that can arise and interrupt what would be considered a "normal" (finger quotes) family. The Medium receives her information primarily through dream state. (quite common among psychics). Also, both Alison from the "Medium" and Melinda from the "Ghost Whisperer" keep the fact they can communicate to the dead to a select group of individuals. I would say the Ghost Whisperer has been adapted for Hollywood more than the "Medium" however, I enjoy them both.
Is there one you feel is more accurate than the rest? One you wish you could throw your shoe at?
The Medium. And no, I wouldn't throw a shoe at any show. I take what I watch for what it is. . . fiction. Also, I understand the need for the media to make it entertaining and minimize the terrifying aspects of what communicating with the dead can reveal. If I don't like it. I don't watch it. :-)

Can you tell us a little more about yourself?
For a day time job I'm a technical instructor for medical company. I instruct engineers on how to install and repair digital mammography equipment. I have two wonderful children and a loving and supportive husband. I enjoy writing and painting. . . (in my free time). And my quest, although not totally understood by some. . . is to help both the living and the dead find the peace of heart mind and soul that they rightfully deserve! :-)
How about I just include my bio:
I am a fifth generation Psychic / Trance-medium. For as far back as I can remember I've communicated with the deceased. At the age of fifteen I was introduced to a woman who studied with Laurie Cabot (official Witch of Salem, Ma). It was she who took me under her wing and guided me in ways to not only understand but control my gifts. Soon after and until the age of nineteen I began acting as a medium for adult seances. I have practiced, studied and instructed Metaphysical studies for more than twenty-five years.
The N.E.G.P. has been featured in:
Television appearances include, WHDH Channel 7 Boston, WMUR Channel 9 Manchester, WNDS Channel 50,My TV Prime, CNN8, ATT3, Kabel 1 Germany, and several local cable channels.
Radio appearances include WZID, WQLL, WCCM, WBOQ, WHJY, WNUV, and The Frugal Yankee Radio Hour.
Newspaper articles in: The Boston Globe, South China Morning Post, The Lawrence Eagle Tribune,The Lowell Sun, The Salem Observer, The Manchester Union Leader, The Andover Townsman, The Nashua Telegraph, The Advocate, Windham Life, The Wire, The Portsmouth Herald, The North Adams Transcript, Bidderford Tribune Journal, and of course the Stateline Review.
Magazines include Woman's World and Brutarian
Currently I am the co-host to Ghost Chronicles radio show which airs live each Friday evening on WCCM, channel 1490 AM from 5-6 PM. You can also catch a new series of Ghost Chronicles pod-casted from http://www.ghostvillage.com.
Soon to air:
The American Builder episode featuring NEGP at the New London Ledge Lighthouse will premiere on CN8 October 30th at 6:30pm, then replay October 31st at 6:30 am & pm and November 1st at 6:30 am.
Please check out the N.E.G.P.'s website at:
posted by Michelle Pillow @ 1:45 PM  

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Michelle M Pillow
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