Thursday, August 24, 2006 |
What scares you? |
I admit it. I'm such a girl when it comes to being scared. For me it's snakes(thanks mom, lol) and spiders. The creepy crawlies give me the creepy crawlies. I try to be brave, hold my breath, but it doesn't work. I even get the shivers seeing them in science textbooks. It's not so bad that I can't see them in cages or be in the same---VERY large room with them. I can watch them on TV, holding my protective blanket, of course. Whoever invented the sheet was a genius. Who else would have thought of such a simple way to keep the boogie man out of our beds? So the Creepies are my "unnecessary" fear, the fear I'm doing nothing about and gladly avoid having to face.
Some fears are universal--fear for family, for friends, of being hurt, of being broke. That's just part of being human, of caring, the little alarmbell we're implanted with to make us act reasonably.
But then there are the other fears. The fun ones. The fears I like to face, like suspenseful horror films, the kind that give you the feeling you get when driving alone on a dark road with only a few gallons of gas.
So, having thought about what scares people, I've started a list of fears below. Add to them with your own. They can be universal or uniquely your own.
Fog Dark Bugs Animals Water Fire Natural Disasters Clowns Heights Dolls Death Public Speaking Being Alone Pain Rejection Buried Alive (LOL, I should say I'm not scared of all the things on that list, just listing some fears in general.)
- Feel free to add to the list
- What's your greatest fear?
- What's your teenie tiny little fears that would be easy to overcome but you just don't want to?
- Have you ever overcome a fear (even the small ones)?
posted by Michelle Pillow @ 8:20 PM   |
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dolls but not all dolls. Dolls with realistic eyes or eyes that can move. Those are the ones that come to life at night and kill you.
I'm not really afraid of clowns so much as I don't trust them. No one who wears that much make up can be trusted. They have shifty eyes.
I'm with you on the public speaking thing. I don't like heights BUT that said, I love rides that scare the crap outta me .... roller coasters and stuff like that *g*
I'm not real fond of creepy crawlies and things that slither. I'm also not excited about mice and rats.
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dolls but not all dolls. Dolls with realistic eyes or eyes that can move. Those are the ones that come to life at night and kill you.
I'm not really afraid of clowns so much as I don't trust them. No one who wears that much make up can be trusted. They have shifty eyes.
I'm with you on the public speaking thing. I don't like heights BUT that said, I love rides that scare the crap outta me .... roller coasters and stuff like that *g*
I'm not real fond of creepy crawlies and things that slither. I'm also not excited about mice and rats.