JAN WINNERS!! 1. Jan - Winner $25 Amazon.com Gift Certificate 2. Amy Smith - Winner Choice PDF -- One from Mandy's backlist of ebooks, One from Michelle's backlist of ebooks
Please email us off list to claim your prizes. EMAIL: michelle_pillow (at) yahoo.com
Since everyone seemed to have a fun time with this contest, we're keeping it going! New winners will be drawn next month. Remember, you don't have to do a fan book video to be a part of it! So have fun creating!
Contest Link - http://www.mandyroth.com/express_yourself_contest_page.htm
Thanks! M & Ms
Michelle M Pillow www.michellepillow.com
Mandy M Roth www.mandyroth.com
**PRIZES-If you win a prize and do not claim it within 30 days, its void. Sorry to do this but we clear my records each month and need this for our sanity.Labels: contest, winners |