Wednesday, August 30, 2006 |
The cat is winning... |
I'm at war with my cat. She was orginally an outdoor cat, one we could never get into the house for more than a few minutes. Then, as soon as we moved, she decided at 7 years old that she wanted to come indoors and see how the other half lived. That's fine, except for the clawing and she keeps peeing in inappropriate places--namely my office rug.
I'm at my wits end. She's not sick. Not untrained. Not lacking for attention. I think she's just a grouch. She had always been a little hoity toity and has to have her way. Well, the other day we butted heads when I caught her doing it again. I yelled, she looked at me like 'whatever', we played the dominance game, she pouted, I won...or so I thought. But, this morning as her retaliation, she peed on my shoe. Not the floor around it, not enough to make me think she's old and couldn't hold a full bladder. Just enough to perfectly cover the top half of my sandal where the ball of my foot went.
Any cat lovers with ideas?
*no cats were harmed in the making of this blog* |
posted by Michelle Pillow @ 3:29 PM   |
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Cats...arugh! At least she isn't diabetic, like mine. I love her but...sometimes.
I'm so impressed by how fast you write. How many hours do you put in per day?
LOL. I finally put a puppy pad down. She won, but at least it's cleanable.
It really depends. I type fast, but work all the time. It really helps that I enjoy what I do. :)
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Cats...arugh! At least she isn't diabetic, like mine. I love her but...sometimes.
I'm so impressed by how fast you write. How many hours do you put in per day?